Operational Stress Injury Clinic

550 Wellington Rd

519-685-4000 ext 42399

Toll-Free: 1-888-237-6967

Fax: 519-685-4585

Mon-Fri: 8am-4pm
Last updated: Aug 16, 2024: Suggest an edit
Medical referral required * assessment initiated through the Ontario Health atHome South West area
Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Veterans, members of the Canadian Forces, and eligible members of the RCMP who are encountering ongoing difficulties as a result of service related psychological injury and traumatic events
OHIP or Veterans Affairs Canada * co-payment may apply
Language Note
Interpretation available upon request
Area(s) Served
Southwestern Ontario

Description of Services:
Helps people improve their health and minimize the effects of operational stress injuries through assessment, treatment, research, and education
- psychological, psychosocial, and psychiatric assessments
- psychotherapy and counselling
- group therapy and skills training (anger, pain, stress management)
- medication treatment
- relationship and family counselling
- education for individuals, family members, and other health care providers
- referrals to other specialized services and links to community support
- consultation and education to community professionals
Last updated: Aug 16, 2024: Suggest an edit