Third Age Outreach

Kiwanis Seniors Community Centre
78 Riverside Dr
London, ON
N6H 1B4
78 Riverside Dr
London, ON
N6H 1B4


Fax: 519-434-5686

Mon-Thu 8am-4pm * Fri 8am-3:30pm
Last updated: Jul 10, 2024: Suggest an edit
Call * no referral required
Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Adults 55 years and older and their families
Set fee for some programs
Kim de Nijs - Program Lead, HTRS
519-661-1620 ext 1 * kim.denijs@sjhc.london.on.ca
519-661-1620 ext 1 * kim.denijs@sjhc.london.on.ca
Language Note
Interpretation services available upon request
Area(s) Served

Description of Services:
Programs, educational courses, group activities and therapeutic recreation assessments promote wellness, personal development, independence and improved quality of life for adults 55 of years and older
Community-based therapeutic recreation service as a hospital outreach service * in-person, virtual, hybrid programs
Community-based therapeutic recreation service as a hospital outreach service * in-person, virtual, hybrid programs
Services and Programs:
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About Us
All Third Age Outreach programs, educational courses, group activities and therapeutic recreation assessments promote wellness, personal development, independence and improved quality of life for adults 55+ and seniors.
Last updated: Jul 10, 2024: Suggest an edit