Middlesex County Connect

399 Ridout St N
London, ON
N6A 2P1
London, ON
N6A 2P1

Toll-Free: 1-888-465-0783

Phone Line: Daily 9am-5pm
Last updated: Jun 12, 2024: Suggest an edit
Call or download smartphone app * links to Android and iOS apps available on website
$5 one-way fare * children 5 years and younger, support persons, and veterans ride for free
Area(s) Served
Ingersoll, London, St Thomas, Woodstock, and Middlesex County

Accessibility Note
Buses are wheelchair accessible
Description of Services:
Inter-community public transportation system operating within Middlesex County and with service to neighbouring communities * riders can pre-book rides and pay fare through a smartphone app
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Last updated: Jun 12, 2024: Suggest an edit