EarlyON Child and Family Centres - Middlesex County

Middlesex County


Call or email for days and times programs are operating
Last updated: Nov 1, 2024: Suggest an edit
Call or email to register for programs
Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Parents and caregivers with children newborn to 6 years
English ; French
Language Note
French publications
Area(s) Served
Middlesex County
Description of Services:
Free programs for caregivers
Services include:
Staff can support caregivers with:
Services include:
- play-based learning opportunities allow children to develop social and emotional skills, reach developmental milestones and begin lifelong learning
- sensory play, creative art, music and movement, language and literacy, science and nature, dramatic play, active play and problem solving
- interactive activities including storytelling, songs and games
- connect and network with other caregivers and families
Staff can support caregivers with:
- answers to questions about child development and parenting
- information about services and supports available from local community agencies
- connections to other children's programs in the community
Services and Programs:
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About Us
EarlyOn Child and Family Centres are places where parents and caregivers can: take part with their children in a range of programs and activities get answers to questions get information about programs and services that are available for young children and their families talk to early years professionals, as well as other parents and caregivers in the community.
Last updated: Nov 1, 2024: Suggest an edit