Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General - Provincial Offences Court Office

824 Dundas St
London, ON
N5W 5R1
London, ON
N5W 5R1

Courts Administration General Inquiries: 519-661-1882
Prosecution Office General Inquiries: 519-661-1911
Prosecution Office General Inquiries: 519-661-1911

Fax: Courts Administration: 519-661-1944
Prosecution Office: 519-661-4503
Prosecution Office: 519-661-4503

Courts Administration Office: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
Last updated: Oct 29, 2023: Suggest an edit
Call or drop-in * email
Set fees and fines
English ; French
Area(s) Served
London and Middlesex

Accessibility Note
Wheelchair accessible from the front entrance
Description of Services:
Provincial court * administered by the Municipality of London
Examples of provincial offences (non-criminal) include, but are not limited to:
- processes/accepts payment of fines
- provides information for general inquiries about provincial offences
- provides intake services (for example, walk-in guilty pleas, re-opening applications, motions and extensions of time to pay fines, and meetings with prosecutors)
- manages certain aspects of the administration of appeals, such as inquiries, giving out forms, and transcript production
- provides court clerk/reporter staff for provincial offences court proceedings
Examples of provincial offences (non-criminal) include, but are not limited to:
- speeding, careless driving, or not wearing a seat belt (Highway Traffic Act)
- entering premises or engaging in activity on premises when entry or the activity is prohibited (Trespass to Property Act)
- driving without insurance or failing to surrender your insurance card for inspection (Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act)
- municipal by-law offences (noise, zoning, parking)
- having open liquor in a vehicle or being in an intoxicated condition in a public place (Liquor Licence Act)
- occupational health and safety offences (Occupational Health and Safety Act)
- Ministry of Environment, Transportation, Natural Resources, Labour, or Finance offences
- smoking where prohibited or selling or selling tobacco to a person under 19 (Smoke Free Ontario Act)
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Last updated: Oct 29, 2023: Suggest an edit