Day Surgery

800 Commissioners Rd E, Zone B, Level 2
London, ON
N6A 5W9
London, ON
N6A 5W9

Switchboard: 519-685-8500
Emergency Department: 519-685-8141
Patient Information: 519-663-3163
Emergency Department: 519-685-8141
Patient Information: 519-663-3163

By appointment
Last updated: Sep 9, 2024: Suggest an edit
Medical referral required
Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Newborns to youth 18 years and under
Most services covered by OHIP
Language Note
Interpretation services available upon request
Area(s) Served
Southwestern Ontario

Description of Services:
Surgical services for infants, children and adolescents where patients can normally expect to return home on the same day as procedure
Multidisciplinary team includes:
Post Anesthesia Care Unit - Two adult caregivers permitted to spend time at the bedside of the patient after surgery
Multidisciplinary team includes:
- surgeons
- nurses
- anesthesiologists
- child life specialists
- unit clerks
- support service workers
- students and volunteers
Post Anesthesia Care Unit - Two adult caregivers permitted to spend time at the bedside of the patient after surgery
Last updated: Sep 9, 2024: Suggest an edit