Victoria Family Medical Centre

60 Chesley Ave
London, ON
N5Z 2C1
London, ON
N5Z 2C1


Fax: 519-433-2244

Mon-Fri 9am-5pm * Sat 10am-1pm
On-call services: Daily 24 hours
On-call services: Daily 24 hours
Last updated: Aug 8, 2024: Suggest an edit
Registered patients call for appointment * medical referral by doctor affiliated with the Thames Valley Family Health Team
Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Registered patients
Most services covered by OHIP
Stacey Valiquet - Medical Director
Amy Brown - Operations Specialist
519-685-8500 ext 52517 * amy.brown@lhsc.on.ca
519-685-8500 ext 52517 * amy.brown@lhsc.on.ca
Language Note
Interpretation available upon request through London Health Sciences Centre
Area(s) Served
London and area

Description of Services:
Medical health care team focused on family and community health * coordinates patient care in order to assess and treat injuries or illness * team includes:
Teaching centre affiliated with Western University's Department of Family Medicine
- family doctors
- residents
- nurses
- psychiatrist
- clinical psychologist (individual and family counseling)
- social worker
- pharmacist
- occupational therapist
- nurse practitioner and dietitian
Teaching centre affiliated with Western University's Department of Family Medicine
Last updated: Aug 8, 2024: Suggest an edit