Off-Campus Housing Listings

1001 Fanshawe College Blvd
London, ON
N5Y 5R6
London, ON
N5Y 5R6

Toll-Free: 1-866-766-0767

Mon-Thu 9am-7pm * Fri 9am-5pm
Last updated: Oct 29, 2024: Suggest an edit
Visit website, call or email
Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Students attending Fanshawe College and general public
Area(s) Served
London and area

Description of Services:
Maintains listings of housing available for Fanshawe College students, throughout the City of London * available at the office or online * partners with Places4Students Inc.
Housing Mediation Services - Free confidential resource to resolve problems between students and landlords or residents of London/neighbours * email Housing.mediation@fanshawec.ca or call 519-661-3787 (Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri) or 519-452-6913 (Wed)
Housing Mediation Services - Free confidential resource to resolve problems between students and landlords or residents of London/neighbours * email Housing.mediation@fanshawec.ca or call 519-661-3787 (Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri) or 519-452-6913 (Wed)
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Last updated: Oct 29, 2024: Suggest an edit