Brief Action Planning

Thames Valley Family Health Team - South West Self-Management Program


Monday January 29 , 2024 - 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Cost: Free

Registration: Required

Brief Action Planning (BAP) is based on the premise that motivation comes from within the person. The clinician’s role is to guide people toward creating their own plans, adjusting support as needed, and always seeking to build confidence in those they work with.

Workshop participants learn a highly structured, stepped care, self-management support technique. Comprised of a series of three questions and five skills, BAP is an efficient and effective tool for use by health and social service professionals supporting people to make changes in their lives.

Participants will be able to:

  • Define BAP and understand the theory behind it.
  • Demonstrate the three questions and five skills of BAP.
  • Understand how they might be able to apply BAP in their practice.

Contact : Heather Smith
Phone : 855-463-5692
