Welcome to Atlas London
Designed in collaboration with hundreds of young people across London, Atlas London offers a comprehensive support system for young Londoners ages 12-29, and the caring adults who help them. Through this online portal, young people and their supporters, whether formal mentors or informal guides, can learn about tools and strategies to help manage barriers to success and make important, positive decisions in their lives - whether about the future or about today.Youth Connector Training Program
Interested in more formal support to help become a positive guide and champion of young people? Discover our training program, available to everyone who supports young Londoners, both formally and informally, including youth leaders, sports and recreation counsellors, coaches, faith leaders, mentors, parents and other family members. If you often find yourself providing referrals or connections to services and supports for young people, then our training program could be a great fit for you.
Contact us at info@younglondon.ca for more information or to sign up for our next training session.
You can also join our mailing list to learn more about resources, upcoming training sessions and other ways to support young people in London.
If you’ve already taken the training, you can log in to our Atlas Connect Portal here:
Atlas Connect Portal
About this website
This website was made possible through countless conversations with young Londoners, where many spoke of struggling to navigate the complex service systems available to them.
This site is a collection of essential resources designed to help young people thrive, no matter their stage of life, background, or circumstances, and is based on the work of more than 170 children, youth, and family serving organizations from the Child and Youth Network.
It includes public sector, non-profit, and charitable organizations and programs that are licensed, regulated, and funded by various levels of government to serve young Londoners.
This initiative is also made possible through partnership with Young London. Young London is a nonprofit organization that is by young people, for young people. For more information visit younglondon.ca.
This website’s services information is maintained through the southwesthealthline.ca team, and content is reviewed annually by the website’s Quality Assurance and Engagement Committee.
If you would like to contact us with questions, updates, or suggestions, please email info@younglondon.ca. We'd love to hear from you!