Manages access to government social services, such as Ontario Works * provides financial support for basic needs * emergency financial aid * administers subsidies to assist eligible families with the costs of licensed child care * employment assistance
Basic Financial Assistance (Ontario Works) - Short term income assistance for the cost of shelter and basic needs including food and clothing * also offers limited Emergency Assistance and Discretionary Benefits
Burial Assistance- For eligible applicants, financial assistance for families unable to meet the cost of a funeral and burial * the county will agree to pay the funeral costs up to a predetermined maximum * any income from other sources (insurance policies, Canada Pension Plan Death Benefits and family contributions) will be taken into consideration for payment ahead of the county contribution * for more information, call 519-434-7321
Child Care Fee Subsidy - Financial assistance toward the cost of licensed child care * for more information, call 519-434-7321 ext 2289 or email
Employment Assistance - Supports referrals to help become and stay employed, such as job search support, basic education, employment placement, skills training, community participation and participation in substance use recovery programs to local community parterners and Employment Ontario sites.
Housing Assistance - Social Housing providers are located throughout London and Middlesex * each program offers different housing alternatives (nonprofit housing, cooperative housing, subsidy, rent supplement program and rent-geared-to-income programs * for more information, or to apply, visit the Housing Access Centre or call 519-661-0861
Learning, Earning and Parenting (LEAP) - Program for eligible Ontario Works clients * parents under the age of 18 must participate in the program to remain eligible for OW * parents between the ages of 18 to 25 may voluntarily participate * completion of LEAP requirements entitles participant to $500 bursary, to be applied to post-secondary education, or may be saved for their children
Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP)
Financial assistance available to eligible people and families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless * assistance with last months rent, hydro and rent arrears, and various other supports